Fashion IdeasShoe and Boot

How to wear colored shoes?

Increasingly, the shoe takes an important place in the outfit. But alas, men still remain in three colors: black, brown and gray. We will put some “artistic madness” in our dressing room by entering the colorful patterns!

wear colored shoes

The basketball pop art

It does not fear as such, but in fact, to not fall into the facility, here for you two brands that make their models of sneakers from the works of Andy Warhol. On the one hand, include Piola – revisiting urban sneakers brilliantly with red, green, purple and yellow pastel allies more electric blue.

The brand Twins for Peace, for its part, has relied on a mix of bold colors and patterns but assumed flash patterns that give a boost to your looks.

Regardless of the model chosen from among these collections, Sport Era is so stylized and certainly not sportswear. Why? Because it would have been too obvious, no? We leave on a blue jeans or color (e.g., a pair of green shoes goes well with red pants).

See: Tips to use high heels in vibrant colors

White is the most suitable not to deceive, for example with a V-neck T-shirt worn with a brown leather jacket (light or dark). For once, brown save you in all cases and in all your choices of shoes. As always, we associate the belt, which is not always easy, I grant you good grace.

Yet an artistic movement that represents perfectly the shoes from the collections of two brands: Bobbies and Melvin & Hamilton. We will find the ultra bright green, red blood to blush the most beautiful works of the Louvre and the deep blue of the same color as the Mariana Trench.

The derbies of color the shoes are the easiest to try when you want to switch to the color. Select it with a slim sole and heel high enough. Should not be too heavy visually model because it would then assume a color too pressing.

For these shoes as a single holding: gross or light or faded or holey jeans, anything high quality jeans. Bootcut or straight cut to fall on good shoes.

Add a nice shirt, color (we try to associate the colors of derbies, a green with a nice navy blue or red with a pale pink, for example) or white to really make room for shoes. A cardigan or gray or black blazer with a black square leather bag will complement an elegant outfit, chic and artistic. We need to honor this painting movement!

You see, gentlemen, you must not neglect shoes. The classics, that’s fine, but the colored is better. Especially in summer! We have very few rooms in the men’s dressing that allow us to release us, so as to let go of those that are at our disposal!

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