Fashion IdeasFashion Shows and TrendsPants and Jeans

Ways to wear camouflage pants

The military style is a must have of fashion trend and there are a variety of clothing to show off this trendy style. An excellent choice is the camouflage pants. For casual looks, looks at night or bold outfits, this garment can not miss in your looks.

Casual look

For a modern casual look, combined camouflage pants with a gray shirt and a sweater in the same color. Add a pair of black shoes, a maxi bag and sunglasses and a modern and relaxed look.

Elegant look

For an appointment, a meeting or an outing with friends in which you want to look fabulous combines a camouflaged pant set with black muscular. Add a modern and elegant black jacket and high heels.

wear camouflage pants

For the final touch, wears a clutch to tone and color nail polish.

Look of the day

For a look of day light-hearted and cheerful, combines your camouflage pants with a sweater or a beige cardigan, a sweet little tip in the same color and a white bag. You can also add gold accessories like a chain or a bracelet.

Look comfortable and super easy to achieve.

Look for appointment

If you have a date, combines camouflage pants with a white shirt. Add accessories like gold or silver necklace combines with black patent leather stilettos with matching bag.

wear camouflage pants

Opt for a subtle pink lip to complete the look.

Check: How to wear brown trousers

Denim look

A great way to wear camouflage pants is combining it with a jean jacket, booties and maxi bag for a modern casual look. While for an evening look you only need to add a silver necklace and black heels.

Gold look

Another great combination is camouflaged with gold pants, a super elegant feminine color. Combine military baggy pants with a dark sweater, gold sandals with glitter and a bag with fringes. Complete the look with a nail polish intense color like fuchsia or gold with a burgundy glaze lipstick.

The key to using camouflaged pants perfectly is to avoid refilling it with many colors or with other prints. Choose modern but simple and smooth garments to combine. Add modern accessories that give a touch of glamour and go!