Shoe and Boot

What Are Minimalist Running Shoes?

Whether you’re running on rocky trails, sandy beaches, or flat asphalt roads, your running shoes are the most important equipment for performance and safety.

minimalist running shoes

Without the proper running shoe, you can risk injury and interrupt your training schedule. Minimalist running shoes have grown in popularity over the past few years as an effective training shoe that promotes the most natural footstrike and running posture possible.

So, what exactly are minimalist running shoes? And are they right for you? Keep reading to find out!

What Are Minimalist Running Shoes?

You can think of minimalist running shoes as having less cushion and support than a traditional running shoe. The minimalist running shoe is supposed to more closely mimic how we would run if we were barefoot.

The typical running shoe has a more significant drop between the heel and the toe (about 10-12mm). Minimalist running shoes usually have less than 8mm between heel and toe. The minimalist shoe essentially has less cushion in the heel so that the heel and toe are at a similar level.

Why Minimalist Running Shoes?

Choosing the right running shoe is a personal decision based on your own needs. But for those runners that prefer minimalist running shoes have a few reasons backing up their choice.

First, they are lighter than traditional running shoes. Less foam and material means an overall lighter shoe. Being light on your feet might improve your speed or general comfort when running.

Second, they striking rather than heel-striking. This refers to promote mid-foot how your foot hits the ground when you are running. Ideally, your foot hits the ground with the middle of your foot instead of rolling from the heel to the toe.

If you are a serious runner or looking to increase your performance through better form, you might consider adopting a mid-foot strike. However, for most recreational runners, a heel-strike will not be detrimental to your experience or results.

Finally, minimalist running shoes are sometimes preferred for trail runners because of the ability to feel different terrain. Minimalist trail running is all about experiencing nature and a natural form of running.

The Best Minimalist Running Shoes

The best shoes are the ones that work for you! But if you are specifically looking for minimalist running shoes, consider what is most important to you.

Price, durability, and weight are some common criteria for choosing minimalist shoes. You may also want to consider the breathability of your shoes for overall comfort. Vivobarefoot shoes are known to have a high level of breathability.

Most importantly, try them out first and make a plan to transition from your current support running shoes to the minimalist version.

Less Is More

The minimalist running shoe is a natural alternative to the standard supportive running shoe you may be used to. With less material, this shoe is lighter and it promotes a healthier running gait.

Before investing in a pair minimalist running shoes, try them on, and consider if they are the right choice for you.

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